THE purpose And the Guiding Principles


Started in the mid 1930s by a Belgian woman, Yvonne Poncelet, as ALM (Auxiliaires Laiques des Missions) it is known today as AFI/ICA  (Association Fraternelle Internationale / Inter-Cultural Association).  The change in name indicates one of the principles that has guided the group from the beginning: being sensitive to the signs of the time and evolving with them.  At the time, the Catholic Church  was Europe centric, sending out missionaries to foreign lands.

One of the missionaries was Fr. Vincent Lebbe who went to China in 1901.  When he arrived there he was shocked by the superior attitude of his fellow missionaries toward the Chinese. He adapted to the Chinese way of living, introduced Chinese ways of presenting the Gospel and chose for himself the slogan of living the Gospel in TOTAL renunciation, TRUE charity and CONSTANT joy (serenity).

His identification with the Chinese lead to his exile from China in 1920, ordered  by his superiors because he was taking a stand with the Chinese in a political controversy.  Although no longer in China, he continued to minister to Chinese students and workers in Europe during his seven years of exile and became well known in Belgium.  He lobbied the Vatican to appoint Chinese bishops for the Chinese church.  While still in Belgium, he inspired the foundation of a group of diocesan priests who would be at the service of the newly ordained local Chinese bishops.

Yvonne Poncelet who had been a leader of a Catholic girl scout group learned about Fr. Lebbe’s work, inspired a group of young women in the 1930s to prepare for work as lay people at the service of  the new local bishops in China.  World War II interrupted their plan.After the war, indigenous bishops in other countries requested help.  Thus members went to work not only  in China but also in African, Near and Far-Eastern countries and to North and South America.  Fr. Lebbe’s slogan of TOTAL renunciationTRUE charityCONSTANT joy (serenity) became a guiding light for the young women who after a period of formation took an oath to work at the service of the local church and to adapt to its culture.

World War II changed not just Europe, but lead to the movement of de-colonization all over the world and the establishment of the United Nations.  People everywhere struggled to become free of their colonial masters.  The ALM members identified with this movement  of liberation and integrated into the customs and cultures of their adopted countries in openness to the contribution  of each culture  to the common good of all.

AFI/ICA members live and work currently in 22 countries (in Asia, Europe, Africa , North and South America).  Wherever they were and are working, lay people joined them.  While in the beginning it was a group of single women, its members are now both single or married.

The initial impetus of incarnating the Gospel in the place where they live continues to inspire their lives.  Their change of name to AFI/ICA indicates their desire to live inclusively in a world without borders, in solidarity with the marginalized and the oppressed everywhere.  (Written by Anna Boekstegen)

The Purpose

The Association brings together Christians from different cultural backgrounds. Its purpose is to strengthen in the lives of the members the three guiding principles of Faith, Solidarity in the struggle for liberation and Universality and to live according to the Gospel in creative fidelity to the Spirit.

  • Total Renunciation

    To respond to their Christian call to live a life of faith
  • True Charity

    To associate themselves with all people struggling for liberation and justice.
  • Constant Joy

    To work for the building of an international community based on recognition of the rights and values of each culture, each group and each individual.

The Guiding Principles


The Association places its FAITH and hope in Christ who died, is risen and calls humanity to live in love, justice, peace and dignity. Faith is nourished principally by the word of God, the Eucharist and prayer, and our daily experiences. Faith and action are inseparable, as are faith in God and the human being. We gather as a community in the name of Christ to fulfill the Word that God has revealed to us and to manifest the Kingdom of God that is already present among us.  The members live this faith in the Church, the people of God, journeying, in a spirit of ecumenical openness, seeking a more humane world. The Church, through active presence of the Holy Spirit, is for us the sign of the communion of God with all people. In the Church the Holy Spirit lives.



Our mission is to participate in the struggles of so many men and women committed to creating a more just and human world. We walk with the poor, the oppressed, all those who are working for justice, peace and human dignity. Through our lives’ activities and choices we answer to Christ who calls us to get involved, personally and collectively.

Thus the spirit of our Association is expressed in awareness of our individual and social responsibilities for a better world. Commitment to solidarity in the struggle for the liberation is expressed in a permanent and simultaneous effort of liberation for oneself, for others and for all creation. The choice of our life style and of our action will be in consistency with our commitment.


The Association is international.  UNIVERSALITY is a living force in the Association, emanating from our faith in Jesus Christ. Openness and welcome among members, openness to the world around us, to other peoples, religions, cultures and to everything that is different from us, are essential. Our involvement, limited in space and time, takes on a universal dimension the moment we seek solidarity in the struggle for human dignity and the well being of nature. The Association welcomes the diverse ways in which we live our Guiding Principles in different cultures, countries and times. Diversity often creates tension which calls us to trust each other, with the Unit being a source of support.

The International Structures of the Association

The General Assembly (GA)

The General Assembly is governing body of the Association, which is responsible for making all decisions that concern the whole Association, its life and its functioning. Its Objective is to allow the members, the Units and the Association to start anew in fidelity to the Guiding Principles, in response to the needs of the Association and the world. All members participate in the GA process and have the right to vote. Basically (ideally) each Unit is represented at the various Inter-Unit meetings of the GA. (The Unit which is composed of minimum 4 members is the basic structure of the life of the Association) The Frequency of the GA is every six years.

The Board of Directors (BD)

The BD is composed of three members elected by the members’ voting. The term of office is four years and renewable for two years. Its roles are coordinate all activities of the international structures of the Association, accept new members, make sure that the decisions done by the GA and consult conflicts among the members. It ratifies the Units’ objectives and makes a periodic evaluation in the Unit for dialogue between the BD and the Unit. Nominating candidates of the international structures and coordinate the programs of the initial formation. It has also the duty of the management of the association in collaboration with the secretary general. Convene the GA and approve the organization of an International meetings. Responsible for external relations.

The International Formation Committee (IFC)

Three members of IFC are in charge of formation programs. They are responsible for promoting exchange of information among the different Units and support the formators of the Units. They coordinate the international formation program and assist the Units in the evaluation of the different stages of formation of their members. They give the feedback to the BD for admitting new members at the international level. Promoting exchange of information which is needed for formation among the Units concerned is IFC’s role. IFC, in collaboration with the BD, choose their methods of working.

The Finance Committee (FC)

The Finance Committee composed of three members with four year terms has the role to study and recommend to the BD development projects submitted by the members. They have the tasks to study the Associations' financial situation and present the long term financial policies.

The International Secretariat (IS)

The IS is the executive body of the Association. It has the responsible for communication, coordination, administration and hospitality. The office is located in Brussels in Belgium.