
The manager of the project, Alexis, visited Foyer AFI on June 30, 2023, during a meeting with the administrators. During this visit, Alexis brought along several bags that were made by the trainees as part of the VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROJECT IN SMALL TRADES FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF MATA IN THE PARISH OF KABGAYI, DIOCESE OF KABGAYI IN RWANDA.

The training program is currently being attended by 46 women, including single mothers, orphans, and disabled individuals. Despite still being in the training phase and lacking some skills, the trainees have been able to sell their products in the market, generating income. This income helps cover the costs of purchasing materials required for making bags and other sewing items. Although the goods are not yet fully competitive in the market, the progress being made by the trainees is promising.  This project was proposed by Primitive MUKANTWARI , the member of Amani-Imana Rwanda.


  • What are the issues?

This project is the second phase of the project to revive the training center in small trades, which was initiated by the Parish of Kabgayi in Rwanda, to be carried out in one of its entities, in Mata.

Currently, in Rwanda, many young people who finish primary and even secondary school, girls and boys alike, without the means to pursue further studies, lack a welcoming environment, adequate support and professional and social integration. They are thus confronted with various problems of poverty and their consequences. It is in this context that, to overcome this problem, the Parish of Kabgayi wanted to relaunch the vocational training center in small trades in Mata, closed in 2013 for economic reasons.


  • Who is the target population?

The central of Mata covers four Cells. These are the Cells of Tyazo, Nyamirama, Remera and Nganzo. The total population of the Central of Mata is estimated at 28,000 people, the majority of whom are young people under the age of 20. According to the last census of the Rwandan population, nearly 70% is made up of young people, this also applies to the Central of Mata. It is this large segment of the Rwandan population that attracts our attention.


Mata is a region where cultivable land is insufficient and infertile, there are many child-headed households, single-parent families run by widows, single women, orphans, children whose parents are in prison, single old people, etc. This means that most families cannot afford to have their children benefit from further education. These problems that motivated the choice of Mata as the place to install the C.F.P.M. from the outset remain relevant. Thus, the target population is made up of young people, girls and boys, who have completed primary school and those who complete the three-year post-primary cycle (Nine Years Basic Education). But, we will not leave aside those who finish the humanities who want this training. We want to reach at least fifty young people per cycle, aged 18 to 25, so that they can benefit from the training in a trade.


  • Goals to achieve
  • Contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment in Mata by facilitating integration into the job market.
  • Strengthen the capacities of young people in the fight against poverty through the creation of income-generating activities.

#Rwanda#Amani-Imana#PARISH OF KABGAYI#DIOCESE OF KABGAYI IN RWANDA#women skill development



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